Friday, August 5, 2011

going to get my new Bentley and by Bentley I mean affordable SUV

I need want a new car. Preferably an SUV because I have a car. I’m also bored with my current car however in my defense it has issues.

I’m not quite sure what I was thinking living in Texas and agreeing to leather seats. I might deserve that punishment.

The car also has a neon display of decorative lights on the dash. They have been there awhile. Probably alerting me of some significant issue with the car. I’ll just continue to disregard because eventually I’ll trade it in. Hopefully it won’t explode before then.

And then it recently tried to run me over. I think it’s best we cut ties.

Conveniently all of these things help my “I want need a new car!” status with the complaint department (husband).

So I think the day has come.


Because today we are at work and apparently they don’t think “can I leave to go look at new cars?” is a valid reason to miss work. I need the extra “thinking” time anyways to narrow it down. So far I’ve narrowed it to an SUV. But I’ve ALSO narrowed it to black.
Which is ridiculous because I live in Texas and we are experiencing apparently the worst heat wave in the history of the world. Also I’m that person that never washes my car, ever.

It seems that husband thinks a Hummer is a bad idea. Apparently gas is expensive and something about why I need a tank? Like he’s never seen me drive!  He did however humor me and let me test drive one. This led to me secretly disliking them.

Getting a new car might be silly because I rarely drive. Husband and I are stuck lucky enough to work next door to each other. So we carpool. Most days. Unless we dislike each other that morning. We always bring his truck because it’s manly. And because he often runs work errands that require him to bring back large objects that won’t fit in my car. In the event I do land a new car it will live in the driveway. Until I nag him enough to “make space for my brand new black car in the garage because it’s too hot for it to be in the driveway.”

So I’m certain tomorrow is the day. It has to be because the end is near (obviously). I’m also preparing myself that tomorrow is the pre day because you never get a new car the day you start looking.

Husband says we are driving around Austin tomorrow test driving every SUV possible. Except Hummers. Which should be great. Because I’m a talker, until I’m faced with a car salesman then suddenly I have no voice and can’t remember what I want.

But maybe before my next car payment is due I’ll have a new, never going to be driven, black SUV.

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