The high today is 109.
I’m not even sure if it’s safe to be outside in this heat? Because I’m pretty sure when I go outside I feel like my insides are instantly withering away and I’m not ok with losing a lung.
I think I need to visit my doctor and get a note for work stating that I cannot continue to leave my house under these conditions.
After all, my organs are at risk.
And if I could swing working from home I’d only need one shower a day (unlike the 3 or 4 I need now to survive the day). Heck I could crank the AC down and go days without a shower. Then I’d be doing my part to help the water conservation for our drought.
I see this as a win for everyone involved.
I’ll think of it as giving back.
Im in south Texas so I can definitely relate. Come to think of it, I just might call in "hot" today!