Thursday, August 25, 2011

grilled cheese jerk

So I gained 3 pounds. How I don’t know. I dropped a considerable amount in January, started eating like a pig and didn’t gain so I thought my metabolism was just rewarding me. Then last week 3 pounds silently snuck on. And I tried to ignore their existence, but when I asked husband he told me he saw it.

Yes he’s still alive.

I decided to go no carb again until I could lose those 3 plus some. Which works, but only leaves you eating meat and veggies and that starts to suck after like 10 minutes.

So today I went to the cafeteria at work to get my grilled chicken and lettuce portion of my lunch salad and while I’m standing in line some rowdy residents in front of me loudly start discussing their lunch choices.

I attempted not to listen which quickly proved impossible because they had to shout to the person 3 inches away. Then the guy resident did it. He commented on wanting a grilled cheese.

Grilled cheese!? I haven’t had you since I was a child and I hadn’t even thought about you since then, but now that the loud almost doctor in front of me said he was getting you I want you. But I can’t. Stupid carbs.

So then my restricted diet and recent annoyance caused me to want to punch him. Why couldn’t he quietly order his grilled cheese without alerting the whole cafeteria?

I powered through and got my grilled chicken and lettuce, but not without struggle. Now I’m left with a craving that will not soon be satisfied.

Thanks almost doctor. I hope that sandwich adds 3 pounds. 

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